How to Evenly Space Sprite Rotation

Quickly and efficiently rotate sprites uniformly around an axis, no matter what the particle count is.

How to Evenly Space Sprite Rotation

To save time and avoid the risk of having uneven and inconsistent sprite angles, follow this Quick Tip on a way to quickly create evenly spaced sprite rotations in Unreal Engine’s Niagara. This tutorial will show you how to design perfectly spaced sprites rotated around an axis.

What’s a Sprite?

A Sprite is a 2D image or animation that represents an object, character, icons as part of a user interface or visual effect. 

  1. In the Emitter Update, add a Spawn Burst Instantaneous module.
  2. In Initialize Particle, set Sprite Size Mode to Non-Uniform, X=10, Y=20.
  3. In the Sprite Renderer Module, set Default Pivot in UV Space to X=0.5, Y=0.9.
  4. In Initialize Particle set Sprite Rotation Mode to Direct Normalized Angle (0-1).
  5. Set Sprite Rotation Angle to Float From Curve.
  6. Set Curve Index to Return Normalized Execution Index.
  7. Disable Normalized Index Includes One.
  8. Adjust the Spawn Burst to desired count.

Perfectly spaced sprite rotated around the axis!

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