Adding User Parameters to Niagara

Incorporate User Parameters to make modifications to your particle settings without impacting the original design.

Adding User Parameters to Niagara

Adding User Parameters to Niagara in Unreal Engine can allow you to change your particle default settings without affecting the original system. Add this so you can customize different versions of an effect for a level or situations.

What is a User Parameter?

A User Parameter is a variable that you can define and allows you to adjust and customize various settings or properties like colors, size, speed and other attributes

  1. Click the drop-down arrow next to any parameter and select Read from New User Parameter.
  2. Click on User Parameters to view current default settings and change them if you would like.
  3. Back in the Editor you can now set this parameter to any value w/o affecting the original system.
  4. Alternatively, you can click the + in User Parameters and specify which parameters you’d like to add.
  5. So for Color, add a Linear Color and drag it from the Parameters window onto your Emitter.
  6. Each version in the Editor can have its own values - handy for making different versions of an effect for a level.

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