How to Quickly Toggle Grayscale When Creating VFX

How to Quickly Toggle Grayscale When Creating VFX on a Windows PC

How to Quickly Toggle Grayscale When Creating VFX

Checking your VFX in grayscale helps VFX artists validate that assets are complementing the environment they're placed in. Additionally, viewing VFX in grayscale allows artists to evaluate an effect's Value, which determines elements like visual priority and focus.

Here's how to quickly toggle grayscale on a Windows PC when creating your VFX!

How to Toggle Grayscale on Windows When Creating VFX

1. Type "color filter" into the Windows search box.

2. Click "Turn color filters on or off."

3. Toggle "Turn on color filters" to On.

4. Pick a filter. (In our case would be Grayscale)

Some other notes:

If you want to: use the shortcut key to enable/disable grayscale Mode.

From the same Color Filters window, click on the checkbox for Allow the Shortcut Key to Toggle Filter On or Off.​

After allowing the shortcut to enable or disable the filter, hold down Windows + Ctrl + C to instantly toggle Grayscale Mode on or off.


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