Spawn Different Meshes with One Niagara Emitter

Use one Niagara emitter to spawn various meshes and generate a diverse array of objects.

Spawn Different Meshes with One Niagara Emitter

If you want to save time, be more flexible with your designs, and/or optimize performance, spawning different Meshes with one Niagara emitter can allow you to generate a variety of objects while reducing the need for manual object placement. 

1. Add a Mesh Renderer to your emitter.

2. Add Elements to the Meshes Array for the number of different meshes.

3. Point the Indices to the Meshes and take note of the element numbers.

4. In Particle Spawn, click the + sign and scroll down to the bottom and add Set New or Existing Parameter Directly. 

5. In Set Parameters click the + sign and add Mesh Index.

6. This value corresponds to the Index number in the Mesh Renderer.

7. Set this to a Random Range Int and set the min/max to the start and end of the Indices. 

  • In this case: 0 and 2.

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